You are C-level or Senior Manager.
You love creating value – in reality, not just on paper.
You want high-value & low-risk implementation for your Large Complex Projects.
Then: Simply//Implement is your place to grow.

Spoiler alert: it’s not about complexity, nor about sophistication

Why you must Simply//Implement 

Simply//Implement is a series of articles, which I will publish roughly once a month. This is the introduction to Simply//Implement.

Simply//Implement has only one objective:
To share with you how you can best implement Large Complex Projects (or strategies, or transformations).

I will focus on simple aspects of implementation. The articles will specifically NOT focus on additional complex approaches, or how to apply even more super-impressive and intellectually challenging tools and analyses.

Quite the contrary: I will present how to implement with simplicity:

  1. Simplicity is powerful.
  2. Simplicity adds value in so many dimensions beyond the obvious.
  3. Simplicity is surprisingly rare – and it is difficult to pull off.

To simplify the ‘perfect’ solution into a simple solution: that’s creativity at work, and challenging every single time. You will learn how to master the art of Simply//Implement.

Simplicity is incredibly powerful

Once you understand the nature and power of simplicity, it becomes a way of living, an increasingly effective weapon. Simplicity will impact how you manage day-to-day, way beyond just implementing your complex projects.

Simplicity will become your second nature, the same way it has become part of my management style, my success, in some respect part of my life. Back then, 20 years ago, I led several lean manufacturing improvement teams, 1’200 meter deep, optimizing mining, when I, for the first time, grasped the massive impact of simplicity in implementation – but that’s a story for a different time.

Simple implementation is an art – and it is messy

A long time ago at McKinsey I learned about the power of structuring “MECE” = Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive (=nothing missing, no double counting): a crucial and helpful approach.

In the world of simple, effective implementation however, MECE hardly exists. Why not? Because implementation is messy. It involves so many dimensions. As a consequence, you will find in my articles countless overlaps, repetitions, deep dives into partial aspects, certain areas won’t be covered at all.

What adds to the messiness: implementation is 50% psychology: it is about the psyche of your organization, about company culture and cultural differences, about the personal impact on individuals and teams. Soft dimensions, difficult-to-structure.

In other words, implementation is more art than science. To understand that, and to embrace that, is half of becoming an outstanding implementer. You are certainly great at developing strategies and projects and initiatives. Simply//Implement will help you to put your projects even better into reality, with full value, on time, sustainably, on the ground, not just on paper.

A cross-section of exciting Simply//Implement topics

The world of simplicity and implementation of Large Complex Projects spreads over a broad range of topics. Here a few examples, in no particular order.

  • The Power of Simplicity
  • Major Dimensions of Effective Implementation
  • How to Tease Additional Value from Your Projects
  • First “The 100%” – Then please dive deep
  • 70/15/15 – the Magic Formula for Ensuring Simple Implementation
  • Core of the Core, not just Priorities
  • “That’s Obvious”: the Response you will be Looking for
  • Your Superiors and how to make them Part of the Solution
  • Your Personal Brand of Exceptional Implementer
  • The Role of Perfectionism (Surprise: there is None)
  • Concept Simplicity – the Holy Grail
  • Short Practical Tips

Your 3 Key Takeaways:


  1. You are in charge to deliver Large Complex Projects, strategies, etc.? These Simply//Implement articles will help you to become more effective in implementing them.
  2. Simplicity adds value way beyond the obvious. To develop simple powerful projects with simple implementations: a truly valuable skill to have…
  3. Implementation is more art than science. She or he who embraces this, will succeed.

Share your experiences and challenges. I would love to discuss them with you

Contributing to implement Large Complex Projects is my passion and my life. Always happy to discuss further! If you would like to discuss, simply call me on +41 79 800 1812, or e-mail me on Or select a time-slot for a short call or video book a discussion slot here.

Dr. Ulrich Riedel
(Managing Director UR//C)

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